Historical Human Future

Charles Darwin months just ended. Boisterousness in the birth of 200 years and 150 years occurrence of the books, The Origin of Species, start gradually quiet. While cleaning the remnants party, it's future will also increase creep: whether human evolution has been the fate like this?

Who is to uphold the idea that Darwin should refuse to give up terms question. Organic evolution is that certain events, the same would encircle the earth with the sun. No creature can avoid. Diversity, exist, or the extinction of a species entirely decided by natural selection, the main driving force of evolution, and it also applies to Homo sapiens.

The average life of the species reach a few million years. Each year, thousands of species declared extinct, and thousands of other show instead. There is no guarantee whether human life can avoid both these facts.

A number of unique is the Darwinian thought otherwise. Humans are too different, so can not be equated with other species. Humans have the advantage in technology, the energy, the use of clothing, social organizations, and high-level skills. In short, humans are the only species that are able to avoid evolution.

One of the arguments submitted by the famed Steve Jones in a debate titled Is Evolution Over? Royal Society in Edinburgh seven years ago, "If you want to know what utopia, see around. The situation is better or worse has been stopped for our species."

Jones fully supported the argument by Peter Ward, a scientist who works at the renowned University of Washington. Through the Future Evolution (2001), Ward is not the change will see the man. Current lifestyle, especially in developed countries, has been protecting people from the pressures of evolution.

"People can now live longer, stronger, and healthier,".

Some other experts choose a more secure way. They considered the evolution of man are still in progress. Not in the physical level, but culture. In the future, significant changes occurred only in the region behavior, social trends, and intelegensi.

Flow coming from the opposite was the spicy Chris Stringer at the Natural History Museum, London. According to him, too naive if people think that self worth far more special in front of natural selection rather than other species.

"If we heed again the people in Europe about 50 thousand years ago (Homo neanderthalensis), you certainly assumes they will evolve to become bigger and stronger. Then, with quite suddenly, they are less competitive and is replaced by species that more well - lighter, higher, more intelligent and who came from Africa (Homo sapiens). You can not predict to which direction evolution will go, "said Stringer.

Stringer declaration clearly felt with the rising The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization accelerated Human Evolution paper Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending. In a new book that was a month, since shown that the finding of agriculture and the emergence of urban society, the human has evolved 100 times faster.

Although still bitterly debated, the data show at least progress and technology, which is not produced immediately to protect the people from the jaws natural selection. We do not know what is waiting in front of it, but that does not mean we are safe from species evolution.
The idea that we can create really great technology that we reveal the extraordinary powerful. However, all creatures should remain subject to the Second Law organist: "Evolution is a smart all of you."

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